and News: Agutters 11ft Split Cane Carp
MIV Specialist Carp Rod. written by Tom
o'Reilly. I've always felt that
a 10 foot MKIV rod lacked a little in
versatility. It is a design classic for
which its modern forerunners have a lot
to thank it for. Yet for float and
floater carp fishing I've felt it needed
a little extra height to help whip the
end tackle out.
I was very interested when Agutters said
that they do an eleven foot version. I've
two of their standard ten foot MKIV's,
which are brilliant, both as ledgering
and stalking rods. |
The eleven foot
version came four weeks after I'd made the order.
The finish on the rod was excellent, the tight
intermediate whipping looked stunning and the
varnish was well applied. On some modern-made
split cane rods the builders quite often coat the
ring whippings with an epoxy resin. I do not like
this, it looks clumsy and ugly, and more in
keeping with a state of the art kevlar rod than a
traditional split cane. Agutters, I'm thrilled to
say, don't use this method, they just coat the
rod with several layers of yacht varnish. |
The rod has
performed as good as it looks, and it's
surprising how that extra foot gives a greater
casting distance to my carp float fishing work.
It also gives a greater control and accuracy to
my casting. |
The rod is now
a favourite of mine, and I use it virtually every
time I go fishing as I can use it for ledgering
as well, in fact I've just ordered another to
make pair! I wonder what a twelve footer would be
like... Agutters
Fishing Tackle Marionville, South Stour Avenue,
Ashford, Kent, England, TN23 7RS TEL: 01233
626748 - Click
Here! |
__________________________________________ |
Split cane Priest: A perfect gift for
any Fly Fisherman this Christmas. Handmade
hexagonal split cane shaft with solid brass head,
collar and end plate with fly engraving. Complete
with Claret, Green ties. |
Or to
order a colour of your choice to match
your existing tackle. Complete with
velvet pull string bag. £28.60 Buy Now
and save 15% - Click
Here! |
__________________________________________ |
News: Get Gone
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all our friendly Fishermen and visitors. It only
takes a few minutes to join. Once you have, you
can log on here at anytime day or night and
access the service from anywhere in the world if
you are on your fishing travels. Good Luck for
this Coming year and Good Fishing! |
Our Email is:- enquiries@norman-agutters.com |
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there is ever a problem accessing this
web site we would very much like to know
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support here or on the Menu to the left.
Thank you. |